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2020 US Presidential Election Voter Participation Report — Demographic Analysis
Dispelling Electoral Myths & Sharing A Complete Picture of Why Voter Participation was Valid
2020 General Election Voter Turnout Analysis — Demographic Deep-Dive
The unprecedented historic nature of the 2020 election requires a deeper and more contextual review of the ethnicity and ancestry implications of election turnout beyond the basic lever of exit polling. Voter interest, suppression, mobilization, registration and participation broke every trend in history and have set America on a new path for both participation and division. While this election was barrier breaking, two trendlines stayed consistent, Democrats winning the National Popular Vote & Democratic/3rd Party combined voter selection representing a majority of Americans:
1. The 5th election in a row (including off-off year elections of 2017 and 2019),
2. 3rd National election (includes 2018 Mid-Term),
3. 7 of the last 8 Presidential elections (1992, 1996, 2000, 2008, 2012, 2016 & 2020) and
4. 23 of the last 31 Presidential & Mid-term elections, the majority of Americans voted for Democratic & 3rd party candidates, constituting an average share of 52.86% of votes cast from 1960 to 2020 (Republican Party candidates have received 47.14% of the votes cast during the 1960 to 2020 electoral time frame & only have exceeded 50% of the popular vote 8…