Is Non-MAGA America Ok with the MAGA Regime Purge?
The Kitchen Table talk doesn’t matter if you let MAGA Fascist Regime steal your house

Let’s be real and clinically honest, the first 11 days of the Trump return to power is unfolding exactly how the MAGA Fascist Dictatorship Republican movement said it would happen. I use the phrase “MAGA Fascist Dictatorship Republican movement” intentionally because they have embraced an approach to governing that rejects any semblance of governing for the 340 million American citizens, legal documented immigrants and undocumented immigrants. Their agenda was clear, both in Project 2025, Agenda 47 (Project 2025 with Trump videos, they are the same) and codified by the MAGA classification of American Citizenship and humanity shared by leadership Think Tanks like the Claremont Institute articulated in “Conservatism” is no Longer Enough and The Other Americans which classifies an real American Citizen by your vote for Donald Trump in 2016 (62,979,879 American voters), 2020 (74,216,154 American voters) and by extension, voted for Trump in 2024 (77,302,580 American voters) & classifies a Non-American, Alien Resident if you
- voted for Secretary Hillary Clinton (65,844,954 American voters, 20 States & District of Columbia) and 3rd party for President voters (8,229,083 American voters) in 2016 (54.05% of the votes cast for President),
- voted for President Biden (81,283,361 Americans voters, 25 States & District of Columbia) and 3rd party for President voters (2,924,869 Americans voters) in 2020 (53.13% of the 2020 votes cast for President)
- voted for Vice President Kamala Harris (75,017,613 American voters, 19 states and District of Columbia) and 3rd party for President voters (2,918,109 American voters) in 2024 (50.2% of the 2024 votes cast for President)
and by MAGA elected officials consummating with Donald Trump, who has clearly defined Democratic voters and Democratic Majority voting States & Cities as not American States and Cities, as he did during his ABC Presidential Town Hall with George Stephanopoulos on September 15, 2020 in the following clips
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George Stephanopoulos (35:28): Why do you keep talking about democrat states?
Donald Trump (35:30): They are.
George Stephanopoulos (35:30): They’re American states and American cities.
Donald Trump (35:32): No. The democrat run states are the ones that are doing badly, George.
and his September 16, 2020 Covid-19 briefing about the Covid-19 death toll in Blue States and Red States where Trump said “And that’s despite the fact that the blue states had tremendous death rates. If you take the blue states out,” he said, “we’re at a level that I don’t think anybody in the world would be at. We’re really at a very low level but some of the states — they were blue states, and blue-state managed.” The clear directive to the American public, all you have to do was not count states that voted for Democrats and their Covid-19 deaths and my MAGA Red States look really good.
Trump, the MAGA Fascist Republicans in Congress, MAGA Fascist State Governors and MAGA State AG’s have been very vocal, direct and unflinching in their feelings about Non-MAGA Americans. They have been clear how they don’t accept any election result when the majority of voters choose Democratic, Independent or Non-MAGA Republican candidate for elected office (Widespread election fraud claims by Republicans don’t match the evidence, If You Didn’t Vote for Trump, Your Vote Is Fraudulent). They don’t accept the compatibility of Americans with non-MAGA political, economic, social or parenting views (Is This the End of the Republic? American Greatness, Trump: ‘All Democrat-Run Cities Are Going to Hell’). They have decided that our Constitutional Republic and Representative Democracy Government system doesn’t work for them and they would prefer a MAGA White Evangelical Nationalist Presidential Dictatorship (The truth about many in the GOP base: They prefer authoritarianism to democracy, Trump plans to become a dictator — denial will not save you, Trump 2028: The Twenty-second Amendment is an arbitrary restraint on presidents who serve nonconsecutive terms — and on democracy itself., Mike Flynn, Christian Right’s Plan to Turn America Into a Theocracy — Rolling Stone). They haven’t hidden any of their distain for Non-MAGA Americans, its Non-MAGA Americans who have ignored it.
The current MAGA regime lead by Trump, Elon Musk, Mike Johnson, META, Fox, Jim Jordan and the MAGA Rich boy Bond Villain club actions to turn America into a Dictatorship are not going to stop…. unless Non-MAGA Americans and our elected officials stand up and resist with the tools we have. The purge of non-bias Federal employees at Law Enforcement agencies, Military, Treasury and other Federal employees to replace with MAGA Fascist employees is real. The redistribution of Federal contracts, grants and non-individual funding implementation actions from non-political staff to MAGA Fascist & MAGA Bond Villain senior political appointees, as included in the OMB memorandum this week is real. The MAGA Education Executive Order to turn K-12 and Higher Education curriculum into MAGA Educational Indoctrination factories is real. Trump’s MAGA Big Government Executive orders interfering in your personal parenting decision to love your child as they are, run your small business as you choose, allowing Americans to live as they choose and reinstating discrimination are real. Trump freeing members of his MAGA Terrorist army who participated in the January 6, 2021 Terrorist Attack on our Capitol, while weaponizing his regime government against the DOJ and FBI officials who investigated and prosecuted the January 6, 2021 Terrorist Attack on our Capitol (it was not a riot, it was a Terrorist Attack) is real.
So my question to the thousands of duly elected Democratic, Independent, 3rd party and Non-MAGA Real Republican officials across Federal, State, County, Municipal and School Districts, what are you prepared to do about this? Are you ready to accept that MAGA Fascist Dictatorship Republican elected officials are not your friends and will never “compromise” or be your “bipartisan partner” and you need to work accordingly? Are you ready to oppose everything they do if you are in the minority and are you willing to move with urgency to enact Positive, Pro-All People and pro-Democracy legislation and Executive Actions without MAGA support in your individual governmental body? Are you ready to stop letting the MAGA Fascist Dictatorship Republicans shit-talk you, dehumanize you and lie on you and start responding quickly, succinctly and factually?
My question to the 74,074,037 combined Secretary Clinton and 3rd party Presidential 2016 voters, the 84,174,351 combined President Biden and 3rd party Presidential voters in 2020 and the 77,935,722 combined Vice President Harris and 3rd party Presidential voters in 2024, the majority of the voters who participated in each of the last three Presidential election, are you ok with this? Are you tired of being called Un-American, Godless, Evil, Radical, Criminal and every other racist, sexist, hateful (RSH) name but a child of God? Are you tired of being forgotten, left behind, dehumanized and dismissed by MAGA Fascist Dictatorship Republican elected officials? Are you ready to retake your majority role in America and American governance?
Non-MAGA America, are you ready to say you’re not ok with this MAGA regime? The time is now.