Member-only story
My friendly suggestion to address the Coronavirus Medical Equipment Supply Chain failures

Watching the continuing reports of the failure to produce and resupply critical Medical Equipment and Personal Protective Equipment, I decided to reach out to the President of the Health Industry Distribution Association to offer the following suggestions to fix the current problem. Please feel free to share with any stakeholders that you know in the Manufacturing, Congressional and Federal administration areas.
I read the Wall Street Journal article two days ago regarding the current issues with the supply chain and distribution for medical equipment and Personal Protective Equipment (Article title — Manufacturers seek US help in deciding where to ship scarce medical goods). I wanted to offer a suggestion, since the Trump administration won’t fully utilize the Defense Production Act (I’m sure someone may have already thought of this, if so, please excuse the redundancy of this suggestion) to fix this situation between the States, the Health Industry Distribution Association members and other potential health equipment suppliers.
Why not coordinate the distribution and delivery of equipment with the States as a consortium, which the States buying as a collective group and then routing equipment to hospitals based upon: