Member-only story
The Radical Trump Insurgency is an Active American Crisis — We can’t ignore it anymore.
We have a serious problem here in our country and it’s got to be clearly discussed and not sugar coated. We can’t deny it, hope it fades or will just “get better”. The Radical Trump Insurency is real, its growing like a pervasive tumor & only an intervention based upon constant truth, focus and faith will solve this crisis. To begin with, Non-Trump America, we have to admit that we have a problem. The problem has 5 parts to it:
- Donald Trump & his Radical Trump Insurrectionist elected official supporters, Conservative Mainstream Media backers, & Radical White Supremacist Terrorist organizations are determined to overthrow our imperfect but positively evolving American Constitutional Republic with a Representative Democracy model for elections (outside of the Presidency) and re-install their “Mad Orange king” back into power.

2. Limit or suspend the rights of all Non-Trump Americans (including Non-Trump Republicans) who didn’t vote for him, don’t support him & won’t support his coup attempt. They don’t consider Non-Trump Americans as Americans & our votes don’t count to them.